Girls in STEM

Mayim Bialik is using her celebrity status to bring attention to issues she finds important, such as getting girls to feel confident when studying STEM. Bialik recently teamed up with Texas Instruments in a campaign to show how “cool” the STEM field can be. Read the...
Bridging the Diversity Gap

Bridging the Diversity Gap

IBM is spearheading change in schools across America in an effort to fix education. The company has recently backed a program called P-Tech (Pathways in Technology), that is designed to help minorities receive a high school diploma and a free associate degree during a...
Fashion Design through the Eyes of STEM

Fashion Design through the Eyes of STEM

Zaniac is now capturing the interest of young girls to STEM by offering a course in fashion design that is heavily integrated with technology. The course is designed for fourth through eighth graders and so far, all the participants have been girls! Read the full...
Yannis C. Yortsos at the White House

Yannis C. Yortsos at the White House

Yannis C. Yortsos, Dean of University of Southern California, is changing the conversation about the future of engineering and its role in growing our economy. The Dean recently created a pledge, signed by 100 deans in just two weeks, that stated each’s commitment to...
Drones and You

Drones and You

Do you ever wonder how you could fly a drone without breaking the law? The Association of Unmanned Vehicle Systems International has started a campaign called, “Know Before You Fly”, with the purpose of educating the public on drone safety and regulations to keep the...