5 Ways to Get Women More Excited About STEM

5 Ways to Get Women More Excited About STEM

Mentorship, proper resources, and inspiration are huge assets for women curious about a career in STEM. Walk through some helpful tips and long-term guidance for those who may be showing new interest in pursuing a STEM career. Read...
How the Law of Physics Can Change Football

How the Law of Physics Can Change Football

What would happen to the game of football if we could change the laws of physics? Physics Professor Chad Orzel takes a fantastical look at how the game would change if physics worked in different ways. Read...
SpaceX Gets Contract for First Manned Space Flight

SpaceX Gets Contract for First Manned Space Flight

Elon Musk, the man behind SpaceX, Tesla, and Solar City, has now struck a deal with NASA to send a group to the International Space Station by 2017. NASA’s plan to wean themselves away from the dependency on Russia for sending astronauts into space has led to this...
How Human Batters Beat the Best Computers

How Human Batters Beat the Best Computers

“We’re also programmed to make the necessary on-the-fly calculations to estimate the current velocity and future position of the approaching ball. While professional baseball players have honed this skill to just about the highest level possible, the basic ability...